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Tool to analyze the relationship that rock properties (Vp, Vs, density and derived properties) have with reservoir properties (porosity, lithology and fluids). The analysis and modeling packages (SeisRP and SeisMod) lead to the reservoir characterization module (SeisCar), in which the parameters to estimate reservoir properties from seismic are computed.
Data management and display
The rock physics tool, designed for exploration and development geoscientists, increases productivity and reduces chance of error by eliminating book-keeping and reducing display set-up time. Some properties:
- Predefined templates reduce display set-up time and chance of error.
- Data is computed and displayed on the fly. There is no book-keeping. This results in faster analysis and less chances of mistakes.
- TraceSeis’ rock physics tool does not perform petrophysical evaluations. It expects specific logs (rock properties and reservoir properties) as input
It is composed of three modules
SeisRP – Facilitates analysis of the relationship that reflectivities and absolute and relative rock properties have with reservoir properties. Analysis can be done in time or depth and in well-log or seismic resolutions.
SeisMod – A rock physics model is created. It consists of the effective media relations and moduli and densities of constituents that best reconstruct the measured logs (Vp, Vs and density). Once the rock physics model is defined reservoir properties (porosity, lithology and fluids) can be modified and Vp, Vs and density logs reconstructed as if these had been acquired under the modified condition.
SeisChar – Trains a linear neural network (LNN) to estimate reservoir properties from seismic attributes. Input to training can be absolute properties, relative properties and/or reflectivities at well-log or seismic resolutions in time or depth. The estimated LNN parameters are used to compute reservoir properties from seismic data.